Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Hey! It's been a good week since I last posted on here but don't worry, I haven't been doing nothing.
I've been enjoying trying out some different ways of writing. Flash fiction has always interested me so I've had a go at that. The small word count has been a trial so I'm still working on this piece of writing but I will share it with you as soon as it is finished.

I've also been writing some poetry which I haven't done for a while and I've loved getting back into it. I've written three new poems over the last couple of weeks and I thought I'd use this post to share one of them with you. It's called 'Cry' and I'd love to know your thoughts on it.


They spy
They lie
They watch people die

Don’t let them see you cry

They openly criticize
They’ve evil in their eyes
We’re the ones they despise

A nation grieves and cries

Here to scrutinise
There to patronise
People to terrorise

Still a nation cries

Listen! Let’s unify
Dare to defy
Make a stand, try

Whatever you do, don’t cry

I hope you enjoyed this poem, feel free to leave any comments, I'd love to hear from you and I look forward to sharing a piece of flash fiction with you on my next post.

Keep writing and keep chasing your dreams!

@stephlottwriter on Twitter

Steph Lott - Writer and Poet on Facebook
