Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, New Me!

Hey and Happy New Year!

I hope 2014 has been a good one for you and here's to an even better year ahead. Here are the dreams I'm going to be chasing over the next twelve months...I hope you'll be chasing some of your own.

Completing My Degree...Woohoo!

Five years seems like such a long time ago now when I started my English Literature Degree, I never thought I'd have the patience to see this through till the end. But finally, there's light at the end of tunnel. June 2015 will mark the end of this long journey and I'm so happy and proud of myself for sticking to it. What will I do with all the spare time I will gain from having no assignments?!...

My First Half Marathon...aggghhh!

I can't quite believe that my husband and I have signed up for this, I'm nervous, I'm excited! As my degree comes to an end in June I will also be running my first (and possibly last) half marathon in aid of the North Devon Hospice. This charity means a lot to me as they looked after my boys daddy just before he died in 2012. So next week starts a whole new fitness regime in order to get in to shape to achieve this goal...bring it on! As if these two goals aren't enough...

I'm Writing a Novel

Once my degree and half marathon are out of the way I plan to get back into writing and focus on one of my many story ideas to write my first novel. In order to keep myself motivated to do this I'm going to be writing it with nanowrimoNational Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) is a fun, seat-of-your-pants approach to creative writing. On November 1, participants begin working towards the goal of writing a 50,000-word novel by 11:59 PM on November 30.

I'm totally excited about my story-line and it is very much one for the ladies. I'm looking forward to revealing the plot to you all later in the year.

So there we are, a few of my goals for 2015, a few more dreams I'm going to chase. I'd love to hear what some of yours are, you can tell me by leaving a comment on this post.

Have a peaceful and blessed New Year and remember to keep chasing your dreams.
