Wednesday, 19 September 2012

I’m Published!

I am very excited to be able to tell you that I’M FINALLY PUBLISHED! When I first started this blog I told you about all the projects I am doing in order to accomplish my dreams. One of those dreams was to have a poem or short story published. Since that blog I have been submitting work to magazines, and despite a few rejections I persevered and I submitted my poem ‘Chocolate Temptation’.

After the submission it felt like forever waiting for a response. About four weeks had passed without hearing anything and I started to accept another rejection. I couldn’t believe the morning I received a message from the editor of Graffiti Magazine saying they loved my poem and was going to include it in their next issue. It made my day as it was completely unexpected.

You can order the next issue of Graffiti here

Being published is another dream I was chasing that I have caught, and I’m not stopping there. My next mission is to have a short story published, I can’t wait for the day I see one of my stories in a magazine!


Perseverance and determination are definitely needed to achieve your goals.

Don’t give up and keep chasing your dreams!


Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Another Article

I was very excited to wake up this morning to find my Cancer Research UK story has been published again, this time in EX34 Magazine. I am really happy to see my campaign is going strong and being heard by so many people.

It’s great that so many papers/magazines have been interested in my story. This publicity is what is edging me closer and closer to accomplishing my goal to find an established artist to record my song.


Where I am at…

My story is due to appear in the next issue of EX33 Magazine. I am also going to have a small article in October’s Molten news and a possible article in South Molten’s newspaper.

My single is now available to download from iTunes, Amazon and google play. I am very excited to find out how sales are going next month. I will keep you posted!

I am also on a mission to get another TV appearance to promote my campaign. I am hoping for national profile on something like The One Show or This Morning. This is proving to be quite difficult but I’m not giving up!


Keep following my blog to see how I progress.

Keep chasing your dreams!